Dear Families,

As local and state authorities begin to reopen Florida, we, at Ignite Sports will take every necessary step to ensure that our participants and staff stay safe.

Here is our plan to keep everyone safe:

•          Create games and activities that follow social distancing strategies; keep the same coaches with the same group each day.

•          Intensify cleaning and disinfection efforts; routinely clean, sanitize, and disinfect surfaces and objects that are frequently touched, especially toys, games and equipment.

•          Modify drop off and pick up procedures; coaches will pick up and drop off children at their car limiting contact between parents and staff members.

•          Implement screening procedures upon arrival; any child that appears to be sick will be sent home.

•          Maintain an adequate ratio of staff to children to ensure safety.

•          When feasible, staff members will wear face coverings within the facility; administrative staff will continue to telework from home to reduce the amount of exposure to your children.

We are very excited to reopen our doors to our community.  We are confident that our facility will continue to be an enjoyable and safe place for your children to spend time with their friends this summer!